Information regarding voluntary work and how it can affect your payments and what you need to declare.
Attached Files:
This series brings together all documents relating to the Universal Credit toolkit for partner organisations.
Information about the replacement of Disability Living Allowance with Personal Independence Payments, provided by the Department for Work and Pensions.
This easy read booklet tells you all about Personal Independence Payments (PIP). The booklet is produced by Disability Rights UK.
Attached Files:
Newcastle City Council's latest version of "Where to Get Advice in Newcastle" lists places you can go to get advice about benefit and debt advice and money support...
Benefits are changing. These may affect you. This tells you about those changes and how to find out more.
United Response easy read guide to welfare benefit changes (2013)
Attached Files:
Fact sheet is about the Personal Independence Payment or PIP from Mencap
An easy read guide to the Personal Independence Payment